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Honourable Members of Parliament!


The greatest crime of this generation is to stand idly by while the world races ahead. Education doesn’t only include what the books tell us but what knowledge we gather and how we apply our minds. As students of one of the premier institutions of the country, we have a duty to apply ourselves. At the threshold of ignorance lies apathy and where apathy lies, the world remains in an eternal rut. As the first step to combat this rut, The House of Commons Society of Sri Venkateswara College attempts to bring to the fore, the burning issues of the day and enable students to gather knowledge about the same.


With great pleasure I warmly welcome you to participate in the 1st edition of Venky Mock Indian Parliament which will provide an appropriate platform to realize your value and power in a Parliamentary democracy. Your reasoning, debating and diplomatic abilities will be put to a rigorous test and you will most definitely take back home a once-in-a-lifetime experience in a parliamentary ambience with future policy makers like yourselves.


Aparna Abhimanyu


The House of Commons Society

President's Address

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